Wednesday, October 24, 2007

how stalkable/hackable are you?

hi chance:
you're in friendster/my space etc.
your passwords are the same for all of your accounts
your passwords are short/weak
you tend to go to computer shops
you easily trust anyone
your friends easily trust anyone

low chance:
friendster is not your friend
you tend to change your passwords frequently
you have long/strong passwords
you only trust those whom you knew very well
you don't go to computer shops

the question is, would someone hack/stalk you?

Monday, October 1, 2007

human factor is security's weakest link

as kevin mitnick pinpointed in his book "art of deception", human factor is the security's weakest link. why? because of carelessness and ignorance. many examples are stated in the book. some of these are like sticking confidencial notes in secretary's desk. such as this little carelessness may start a spark for a hack.